Monday, March 3, 2008

Terms of Service

All Photo Buzz is completely written and edited by Connor Walberg, you can view his work here: CNW Photo.

Thank you for visiting my blog!  All of the material here is completely original and written from my personal experiences as a professional photographer.  APB is a place where I offer knowledge that I wish I would have learned as I started shooting.  The goal here is to help photographers reach their full potential, and teach them how to start a business.

Linking to articles at APB is highly encouraged and much appreciated.  Please link to any post you enjoy, and let me know if you post a link so that I could reference your blog/site in one of my future posts.  More traffic is better for everyone!

Copying small excerpts up to 2 paragraphs is allowed, as long as a link to the article is provided as well.  Any copying of entire articles is completely prohibited and is a copyright infringement. I will track you down if you copy articles and take legal action if necessary.

As far as images go, all images are my own original work and are protected from copying.  If you must add an image to your site/blog, please contact me first and we can arrange details.  My e-mail address is below:

Thank you for following all Terms of Service for the All Photo Buzz blog, and I appreciate any links/excerpts that you place on your blog/site.



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