Monday, August 31, 2009

Yesterday, I joined a new site to further advance my photography, editing, and business skills. The price was extremely reasonable and well worth it. The website is .

Before I speak any farther, I think I should mention that I am NOT PAID to post updates about these companies. This site really is an asset to any photographer. If your thinking you don't have the time to watch educational videos, or don't need to improve anymore, THINK AGAIN! I can't believe how much I have already learned off this site in less than an hour. Things like: Sharpening is better in LAB color mode, most professionals spend 70% of their time on business and only 30% on shooting/editing, how to obtain sponsorships, and everything you could ever want to know about model releases. For just 19.99 a month, I have unlimited access to all of these tools that will bring me further along in my career.

I highly recommend going to the and trying out the sample videos. The skills they teach come from real professionals who make a lot of money doing what we love to do!


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